Brenda R. Breton - "SimpleSteps4Learning"
I am Brenda Bretón, I am specialized in children’s language, communication, learning and behavior skills. I developed the SS4L method and have used it with successful results for more than 30 years now, within the Hispanic and North American communities.
I have worked directly with parents, teachers, therapists, educational institutions, specialized instruction and with pediatrician’s. This unique and innovative method is completely inspired and motivated by families which have always been, the foundation for my professional work.
I have experienced every step of my programs as an educator, Mother and grandmother until building something effective and very simple to follow when working with very young children. It is designed as a preventative tool, with the intent of early stimulation of learning abilities.
The “Simple steps 4 learning” programs were developed slowly but steady throughout time. They have been written in books, used by counted families and now finally in a digital form. I have lived the stressful daily worry of helping each student succeed in a classroom because my journey began as a Teacher, it was then, that I encountered the challenge of not knowing how to help those that were struggling to learn. I have given my life to be able to offer something tangible that will help all children and I am eager to get it into your hands today!
- Children start communicating much more effectively from the first program!
- Teachers are so thankful for having a curriculum that can be used accross settings home-school!
- Parents learn how to become predictable and see power struggles and tantrums disappear!
- Therapists now can visit children and families with real difficulties and help them with specific strategies
The Programs (English)
Los Programas (En Español)
Facebook live
Simple steps 4 Learning programs are based on many ideas, strategies and values that are explained in my weekly Live events on Facebook.
Listen to my lives and learn about the foundation and systems.
Weekly topics to guide you!
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Rosalía Sánchez
Directora Instituto Gardner, Cozumel, Qta Roo México.Tengo la fortuna de conocer a Brenda desde que fuimos estudiantes y estoy muy agradecida con la vida por todos los grandes beneficios que me han brindado sus conocimientos y consejos profesionales para educar a mis tres hijos; ahora, desde que soy abuela, los aplico con mis nietos porque los resultados han sido sumamente exitosos siempre. Hoy Brenda además de madre es abuela también y como yo ha sumado una gran experiencia en el área conductual y afectiva en el desarrollo infantil, lo mismo en el hogar, en los escenarios escolares así como en el ámbito profesional con sus terapias personalizadas. Es un verdadero privilegio contar con Brenda y estoy felíz en estos momentos en que se expande al mundo para compartirnos su especial talento.
Joel y Sandra Sandoval
Owners of "La ideal Bakery" Lakeworth - Florida, USA.Thank you very much for all the years of teachings, advise and dedication to our son. It has been significant not only for us but also for him and his future, the development that Camilo has accomplished is unbelievable, we will be forever grateful; God bless you and many success in this new path helping others. Mil y mil gracias por todo Ms.Brenda!
Proud Mother, Utah, USAI have the pleasure to recommended Brenda for the magnificent program she has put together! I wish I would’ve had the opportunity to have it when my son was 4 years old. I had no idea how much he could do but progress was noticeable as soon as Brenda started working with him. My son was diagnosed within the severe autism spectrum disorder when he was 5. Brenda had the energy, passion, love and dedication I have seen nowhere else give him in all the years and treatments I have tried with my son.
Private consultation with Brenda Bretón
My goal is that we fade my guidance as soon as possible. I want you to feel the experiences I have had for many years; watching a child progress and become the most independent and confident little one , just because we decided to teach him/her!
If you need help in the beginning, I will not take that away from you. Please, don’t hesitate to reserve a consultation session and ask anything you are unsure about, or that you have no clue how to accomplish. I like adults that ask questions, they give me the opportunity to share all the information I have collected and that is now at my fingertips. I am ready to tell you all in simple words and with real situations.