The Calendar Program 4 Beginners
Is your child asking you all day “When will we…?” This incredible tool provides a sense of time, a concept young children thrive to understand. Follow Simple Steps 4 Learning: days of the week, the months, the holidays, the seasons, the numbers and the year. Children love to rearrange this calendar monthly and learn to do it independently at a very young age.
- Gives a child a sense of control knowing when things will happen.
- Teaches time, sequence and pre-cursor skills 4 reading
- It gives the child a foundation to understand when we use verb tenses
- Teaches how to anticipate and predict family events and activities
Make sure it is at child's reach or have an older sibling! 🙂
The Calendar and all items needed can be purchased as a file. You will need to cut out, laminate and put velcro on each piece. (lamination sheet suggested is 10 Ml thickness)
(Lamination and velcro is not included)
You can also use a calendar you already have and just make the pieces you are missing for the complete program.
The calendar chart needs to be strongly attached to the wall. Children will be pulling items off regularly. Put it close to the three daily routine charts to complement each other. There are daily activities and monthly activities in every environment!
“The adult is responsible for small items. These are not recommended for very young children that still put things in their mouths.”