Questions & Answers

It can take one year to accomplish the 10 beginner’s  programs when stimulating the steps daily for 2 hour sessions and covering 3-5 programs at a time.

But it can actually take  7 years if these steps are stimulated once a week for 30 min sessions. Covering 2-3 programs at a time.

Time is in your hands!

The beginner programs are for any child. if he/she has abilities to demonstrate cause effect and is motivated for something you can start today. I don’t go by ages since children are not predictable. Some one year olds are already understanding letters and numbers and some 5 year olds are not. Go by abilities not age.

            The advanced programs are for children that have passed all skills in the beginner programs and are consistent          demonstrating these skills everyday.

              The specialized programs are for children that are struggling and need a liitle more help grasping the task requested.



Requirement to start= Child can demonstrate understanding of cause effect

                                    Child is able to reach for an item.

                                    Child is motivated for something

                                    Adult  has emotion control

                                    Adult is ready to dedicate time to prepare

                                    Adult commits to having fun with a child for at least 30 mins daily/weekly

REGISTER and start today!

Children are stimulable for many skills at an early age, they can learn much faster when they are young.

 Have you discovered the child has difficulties and want to initiate these “Simple steps 4 learning” at a later age?, you can of course, but your focus could be to break habits instead, however, if you are patient and want to give this child an opportunity, please do!

Do you find yourself having to dig into several programs, apps or curriculum packages to discover you are still missing what you really needed to be able to teach a child a specific skill? I certainly did! So, I created 10 basic programs that contain everything I thought a child would need in all areas of development to succeed in his interactions with others as well as in his academic environments.  Simple steps 4 learning covers areas like categorizing to organize our space, attributes to describe an object, verbs to describe what he is doing, and that’s just the beginner’s programs, the advanced programs are directed to learning reading and writing skills as well as managing several skills at the same time.

 Absolutely!! I did the work for you and took out those items/pictures/toys you might already have and that a child relates to and created programs with them. I took books and toys and created specific activities to elicit skills. You might already have many of the objects you will need to follow the “simple Steps 4 Learning” programs, let’s use them!!

When children are young, movement while learning is crucial, I would allow him/her to stand, kneel or sit while working with you, 2-3-year-old children should be able to stay focused on a preferred item for about 10-15 mins. 4-5-year old about 20-30 mins at a time and above age 6 at least 30-45 mins independently.

The older they get, the more we can expect them to sit and attend.

If your child doesn’t even sit to watch a cartoon or movie, register for a consultation and we can talk about it.

Have you checked his/her hearing recently? Always start from checking all physical conditions. Can he sit and attend for other things different than talking to him? Are you talking to him when you are at a higher level than he/she is? Are you talking at the same time he/she is? Are you talking to him/her when she/he is busy with something? Are you waiting for the child to look at you before you start talking? Do you know how to get a child’s attention? Does your child avoid you? Are you asking hard questions?

It is very difficult to answer this question, we would have to go over all these answers to verify where it all starts. Start by working on the simple steps 4 learning programs, if still concerned, then register for a consultation and I will guide you through this!

Start by incorporating your child into everything you do, washing dishes, making a bed, doing laundry, preparing meals, etc. Talk about objects and actions you do modeling how you would like to see him/her participating. Every single activity we do has great language and learning skills within them. If you have no clue how to do this, follow the simplesteps4learning programs and you will! If still concerned, register and set up a consultation session with me, I will guide you!

If you are reading this question, you have concerns. What you need to do is pinpoint and describe the behavior(s) that are calling your attention. Observe children of his/her same age and see if other children are demonstrating the same actions, words or movements. If yours are quite different and other people have mentioned it as well, please register and have a consultation session with me. We will figure it out together.

I would suggest you definitely start with the “Matching”, the “identifying sounds” and the “Daily Routine programs” either one by one or start the three of them with step one of each. You will need 20-30 mins to do all three steps. Go from there and be patient. It is a new way of teaching for you and an exciting for your child, however, everything new brings a challenge and children feel it. Just be consistent and practice daily. If you have questions, attend the webinars, live events on facebook or register for a private consultation with Brenda Breton.

If you are reading this question, you already have doubts about the child’s communication skills. When in doubt, ask yourself:

Is the child hearing well?

Does he understand the words I am saying?

Does he know the answer or how to do the task I am requesting?

Can he communicate with words, signs, pictures or any other mode that everyone can understand?

Follow the simple steps 4 learning programs and answer these questions yourself.

I would definitely suggest you register for a consultation with Brenda Breton if any of these questions are not answered and are concerning you.
